Monday, March 31, 2008


Geek Training Starts Early

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Our Man in LA's been away a good long while, it's true. Longer, even, than most of my sabbaticals. No lame excuses this time. They insult us all. Suffice to say that there's a lot going on . . . baby preparations, work travel, you know the drill.

But fear not. There are still stories to tell. Like this one --

Do yourself a favor. Check out that link. For fairly geeky soon-to-be dads in their mid-30s (like Our Man in LA), it answers one of life's most pressing questions. Namely, when you're having a child, how will she take to the coolest things in life?

Which, if you're a fairly geeky soon-to-be dad in his mid-30s, include the following: the original Star Wars flicks, Indiana Jones, Batman, the Teen Titans, Wolverine, Shazam/Captain Marvel, The Thing from the Fantastic Four, and The Goonies. Also the Muppets and Harry Potter (though opinions vary on Books 5 and 6).

Thankfully, someone's answered the question. And videoed it. And put it on Yahoo. Go ahead. Click the link.

Aw hell. I can't count on that. Click this box:

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