Wednesday, June 01, 2005


A pretty good week, all in all . . .

It's been one of the better weeks on record in SoCal for Our Man in LA and his lovely bride. For any and all of you out there reading this, I just wanted to give you the head's up.

Here's the skinny:

1) Today - June 1 - is officially the last day of Stephanie Wieland's employment with Kaplan Inc. No longer will my lovely bride be toiling out in the San Fernando Valley selling SAT prep courses. She's finally off that gig and onto the next. Starting on June 11, she'll be spending the month in Florida directing with the Lovewell educational theatre company. She'll be down there a month helping a crew of 13 to 18 year olds to create, write and produce their own musical from scratch. Congrats, Steph!

2) Monday - June 6 - which is not actually part of this week, is incidentally my bride's 28th birthday. Viva Stephanie!

3) Got some good news for myself just yesterday. As many of you know, I've been taking classes at UCLA's Professional Program in Screenwriting over the past year. Toward the end of each school year, the school sponsors a script contest for past and present students. Out of 150 or more scripts submitted, they select five winners and five honorable mentions.

I'm honored to say that my script Neighborhood Heroes was selected as one of the Honorable Mentions. My name and the script's title will make it into the trades out here, and based on this work, UCLA tries to help students obtain management or representation for their work.

So keep your fingers crossed. Steph and I are totally excited about this, but there's still bunches and bunches of work to be done.

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